Human Trafficking & Cults
References listed below provide a brief overview. I am experienced in teaching contract drafting including the basics of how to read a contract and how to draft one too.
Taken No More: Protecting Your Children Against Trafficking and Cults (forthcoming Bloomsbury 2025)
Using the Law to Criminalize Cult Leaders
(Interviewed by Dr. Steven Hassan, Dec. 16, 2024)
website: Cult Expert Steven Hassan's Freedom of Mind Resource Center
Podcast link: Using the Law to Criminalize Cult Leaders
Book Chapter
Human Trafficking and Cults in Human Trafficking: Emerging Legal Issues and Applications
(Lawyers & Judges Publishing Co., N. Cronin & K. Ellis, eds. 2017)
International Presentation
Advice for Parents, Caregivers and Teenagers: Warning Signs of Toxic Groups, International Cultic Studies Association, Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain (2024)
International Presentation
Human Trafficking, Cults & Coercion, International Cultic Studies Assoc. Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada (2022 virtual)
International Presentation
Legal Developments in the US and Canada - International Cultic Studies Assoc., Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada (2021 virtual)
Human Trafficking & Coercion, The 2nd Cultic Phenomenon Studies Workshop, Shanxi Univ., China (2021 virtual)
International Presentation
Combatting the Surreal: Human Trafficking, Child Marriage Laws, and Potential Legislation to Prevent Predatory Alienation by High-Control Groups, International Cultic Studies Assoc., Annual Conference, Univ. of Salford, Manchester, England (2019)
International Presentation
Human Trafficking Statutes in the US and Warning Signs for Teachers, Health Care Professionals, and Parents - International Cultic Studies Assoc. Annual Conference, Bordeaux, France (with daughter, Andrea Laisure) (2017)
International Presentation
Employing Trafficking Laws to Capture Elusive Leaders of Destructive Cults, Center for the Study of Cultic Groups & Religious Culture, Bejing Union University (2015)
Legal Theories: Overview and Potential Strategies, International Cultic Studies Assoc. Annual Conference, PA (2018)
Litigating Against Cults: Avoiding Undue Influence Conundrum
Harvard Medical School, Program in Psychiatry & the Law (Think Tank) (2019)
Featured Luncheon Speaker
How Children May Use Emancipation Laws to Free Themselves from Cults, American Family Foundation Annual Conference, PA (1998)
Featured Luncheon Speaker
Women & The Law: Where Do Abused Victims Stand? American Family Foundation Annual Conference, PA (1997)
Human Trafficking and Coercion, presentations at Federal Bar Association, EDNY Chapter; Garden City Community Church forum; Hicksville High School assembly; and National Charity League (since 2015)
Documentary Interview
Branded & Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM, Streetcar Entertainment (dropped on Tubi Channel January 25, 2023)
News Article Interview
Everything Was Just Lies: How Alleged Sex Cult NXIVM Deceived Its Victims, The Guardian, NY, Edward Helmore (May 11, 2019)
News Article Interview
Trial of NXIVM Leader to Put Spotlight on Cult Prosecutions, Brooklyn Courthouse News, NY (May 8, 2019)
Television Segment Interview
Update on NXIVM Cult Case for BRIC TV, Brooklyn, NY, Ross Tuttle Producer (June 21, 2018) (on
Human Trafficking, Cults, & Coercion: The Use of Drugs as a Tool (2023) Link to Article
Undoing Undue Influence: How the Doctrine Can Avoid Judicial Subjectivity by Omitting the Vulnerability Element (2023) Link to Article
Preventing Predatory Alienation by High-Control Groups: The Application of Human Trafficking Laws to Groups Popularly Known as 'Cults,' and Proposed Changes to Laws Regarding Federal Immigration, State Child Marriage, & Undue Influence (2021) Link to Article
Employing Trafficking Laws to Capture Elusive Leaders of Destructive Cults (2018)
Current Status of Federal Law Concerning Violent Crimes Against Women and Children: Implications for Cult Victims (2002) Link to Article
How Children in Cults May Use Emancipation Laws to Free Themselves (1999)
Women, the Law and Cults: Three Avenues of Legal Recourse - New Rape Laws, VAWA and Anti-Stalking Laws (1998) Link to Article
Persuasive & Objective Writing
References listed below provide a brief overview. I am experienced in the craft of writing and providing constructive critique. I also encourage practice through writing exercises.
Persuasive Advocacy in Action: A Workbook for Law Students with Laura Graham (forthcoming Carolina Academic Press 2024)
Becoming A Legal Writer: A Workbook with Explanations To Develop Objective Legal Analysis and Writing Skills (Carolina Academic Press 2019); second edition forthcoming 2025.
Book Chapter
Teaching the Newly Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Values in a Changing World (2015)
Interactive Legal Research and Writing Lessons: Persuasive Writing - Four Lessons on writing client correspondence, persuasive writing (briefs), legislation, and judicial opinions, West Academic (2022)
Designing Classroom Exercises for Experiential Engagement, Empire State Legal Writing Conference, Fordham Law School (2024)
Forging Pathways by Creating Opportunities for Student Engagement with the Bench & Bar, Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference, Indiana (2024)
Learning Styles of Adult Populations from an International Perspective - Similarities and DIfferences, Global Legal Skills Annual Conference, Monterrey, Mexico (2008)
The Beauty of Shorts: Ten Tips on Writing a Publishable Short Piece, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference, California (2023) (essay published on this topic)
Swimming with Broad Strokes: Publishing and Presenting on Non-Legal Writing Topics, Empire State Legal Writing Biennial Conference, New York (2021) Link to Article
Sharpen Your Pencils: Engagement, Inclusion and Scaffolding, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference (virtual) (2021)
Designing Effective In-Class Exercises, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference, Minnesota (2017)
Continuing Legal Education Presenter
How to Write Persuasively, St. John's University School of Law (1999)
Continuing Legal Education Presenter
Writing Persuasively and Effectively: A Legal Skills Seminar for New Attorneys, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, NY (1998)
Didn't I Cover This in Class: Low Stakes Techniques of Quizzing to the Rescue (2023)
Merging the Bench, Bar and Law Schools: How A Student Scholars Program Achieves Professional Identity Through Scholarly Writing, Mentorship, and Presentation, with Joan Foley & Troy Kessler, 93(1) UMKC L. Rev. 1 (2024) Link to Article
Generation X in Law School: How These Law Students Are Different From Those Who Teach Them, with Joanne Ingham (2006) Link to Article
Law Students with Attention Deficit Disorder: How to Reach Them, How to Teach Them, (2006) Link to Article
Employing Active-Learning Techniques and Metacognition in Law School: Shifting Energy from Professor to Student (2003) Link to Article
Presenting a New Instructional Tool for Teaching Law-Related Courses: A Contract Activity Package for Motivated and Independent Learners with Karen Russo and Rose Frances Lefkowitz (2002-2003) Link to Article
Providing Structure to Law Students - Introducing the Programmed Learning Sequence as an Instructional Tool, with Lynne Dolle (2002) Link to Article
Teaching Law Students Through Individual Learning Styles, with Rita Dunn (1998)

Teaching Contract Drafting
The articles and references below are a representation of my experience and skills in teaching junior associates how to read a contract and draft one as well. References listed below provide a brief overview in teaching contract drafting, including the basics of how to read a contract and how to draft one too.
Teaching Contract Drafting, appearing in Elgar Guides to Teaching series (2023)
Modules (narrated)
Interactive Legal Research & Writing Lessons: Persuasive Writing - Transactional Writing.
Two 50-minute self-directed PowerPoint exercises for students, West Academic (2022)
Having Fund While Learning: Pedagogical Techniques for Teaching Contract Drafting, Emory Law School, Center for Transactional Law and Practice, Atlanta, GA (2023)
Engaging Students' Creativity: Tapping Into Their Right Brain Functions to Enhance Learning, Legal Writing Institute, Washington, DC (2022)
Erasing Boundaries: Inter-School Collaboration & Its Pedagogical Opportunities, Association of American Law Schools, Section on Legal Writing, Reasoning & Research, NY (2014)
Continuing Legal Education Presenter
Contract Drafting, St. John's University School of Law, NY (2014-2020 periodic)
Continuing Legal Education Presenter
Contract Drafting, Practicing Law Institute, NY (2011 and 2012)
Continuing Legal Education Presenter
How to Negotiate, St. John's University, School of Law, NY (1998 and 2000)
Having Fun While Learning: Pedagogical Techniques for Teaching Contract Drafting, Vol. 25, Special Report, (2024) (transcribed conference proceedings from 60-minute presentation) Link to Article
Contract Drafting Courses for Upper Level Students: Teaching Tips (Winter 2006)
How to Critique & Grade Contract Drafting Assignments (2009) (transcribed conference proceedings) Link to Article

Writings About Generations
"The Times They are a Changin'" - Lessons Imparted from the 1960s Civil Rights Movement and the Current Day Climate Movement, in Generational Politics in the United States (Univ. Mich. Press, Sally Friedman & David Schultz eds., 2024) Link to Book
Article: Generation X in Law School: How These Law Students are Different from Those Who Teach Them, with Joanne Ingham (2006) Link to Article
Essay: The Blind Leading the Blind: What If They're Not All Visual or Tactile Learners, with James B. Levy (2008) Link to Article
Podcast, What's Missing in our Political Movements Now, interviewed by Adel Aali, Esq., about chapter, "The Times They are a Changin'" (dropped December 6, 2024) Link to Podcast
Podcast, Legal Tenzer: Casual Conversations on Newsworthy Legal Topics, Generational Comparisons: Civil Rights Movements and Current Day Climate Movement, West Academic (dropped January 24, 2023) Link to Podcast